I also wonder about the amount of self loathing that goes on in the unconscious of each GB member because their own personal unconscious knows they are a fraud and plague on the species because of their self exaltation and hyped up bull shit propaganda you can't hide it from the unconscious through denial that only applys to the conscious ego part of the mind, it is just that their ego is unconscious of it and a sure cause of some neurosis plaguing them in latter life as the conflict between the conscious and unconscious causes them to be in a very heavy state of denial with all sorts of demons plaguing from the shadow look how scared Lett is at the "voice of strangers' assembly talk where he speaks desperately in a xenophobic state of panic(what a moron),,, yeah these guys have lost it and in no way can they run a corporation they are fighting too many demon from their own shadow to make good decisions.
I found this about the Jungian 'Self" and the unconscious interesting and some what germane to what can go on in the mind: